Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Looking back at Peo TV's 2015 & forward to 2016

It's been sometime since we wrote a post about Peo TV. 2015 saw Peo TV take a few steps in the positive direction with the launch of HD services to a limited area & addition of few channels such as Da Vinci, Colors & Disney to name a few. However it's a far cry from what the subscribers really want & that is some quality English entertainment channels. While competition these days seem to be effortlessly adding new channels, Peo TV have been struggling. This has been due to little or no plan & the priority been given towards the addition of local & virtual channels. Peo TV managed to convert to the new system & add SVOD services, etc to it during 2015.

In 2016 it's time for Peo TV to get some quality channels under the belt such as AXN, Warner TV, Sony Asia & the likes. If Peo TV could acquire Fox Movies Premium it will give an advantage over the competition. Also if Peo TV could come into some agreement with Netflix & allow access to Netflix programming without addition data usage over Peo TV it would be also an advantage.

We hope subscribers dreams come true in 2016, hopefully at the end of 2016 it's not one long nightmare.


Blogger said...

Peo TV platform, is provided by Netgem and could have over 400 channels and thousands of On-Demand video assets !!!


"London, UK – 3 December 2015 – Netgem, the acclaimed end-to-end video entertainment provider and global leader in #TelcoTV, today announced it has secured a total of 29 additional content partnerships throughout 2015, bringing the total number of partners to more than 50. The agreements, signed for the UK and European markets, have enabled Netgem to provision an unparalleled level of free and pay-as-you-go entertainment content to the fast growing customer base of Netgem’s Telco operator clients across movies, series, international channels, children’s, and thematic content – providing over 400 channels and thousands of On-Demand video assets..."

"...n order to further expand its offering to telecoms operators, Netgem has signed partnerships with some of the best known content providers, including MUBI, Netflix, Youtube, Wuaki.TV, and Sky’s Now TV. By securing these partnerships Netgem has ensured that operators are able to deliver a compelling TV and entertainment service offering to their customers that gives them a distinct advantage over their competitors – including a number of traditional Pay-TV providers..."


Blogger said...

Peo TV possible partener in the future:


Techsavy said...

I believe PeoTv is aware on the content popularity due to the nature of the technology( which Satellite TV doesn't have). They know each and every behavior actions of existing customers. If their delays in acquiring said content its reasonable as very few have subscribed these channels in DTV too.

Unknown said...

When is your HD channels are launching?

Unknown said...

PEO TV added Sri TV to channel number 110 starting from 10th of April.