Monday, May 5, 2014

PEO TV testing HD channels

After the upgrade carried out on their telecom services it has come to light that PEO TV is now trialing the following HD channels for selected areas from the 1st week of April.
1. Animal Planet HD (Ch.No 130)
2. TLC HD (Ch.No 131)
3. LUXE TV HD (Ch.No 132)
4. Fashion TV HD (Ch.No 133)

Additional a VOD service carrying HD trailers of movies is also available in those areas.

The above HD channels are upscaled versions of existing SD channels of the same name, available on PEO TV. The channels are now said to on trial on areas which FTTH & FTTB service are available.


E2C said...
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E2C said...

not any true HDs 1080p ?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

peotv hd denakota minissu wayasata gihilla thiyei.

Anonymous said...

Manjula, Peo TV HD is expected before 2020, mostly by 2018. All local pay TV service providers are expected to launch at least one HD TV package and also all local FTA channels maybe HD enabled broadcasting content in digital streams by default.

Sanuja Gunasekara said...

We're Waiting for HD

Unknown said...

How long to be waiting hi hi

Techsavy said...
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Unknown said...

IS there a way to change the PeoTV Remote Control? The present white one is of poor quality.

Unknown said...

SLT should focus on migrating old customers to the new HD service soon. I have been a Peo TV customer for over 5 years (Since they started) and I still have the old analog set top box and don't have any of new the features that brand new customers get. I have made several requests to change the box but I keep getting the same response saying "Old customers have to wait for an upgrade"... Well Peo TV, I've been waiting for a looong time now. Long enough to consider switching to Dialog. Shouldn't being a long standing customer ensure that I get new features faster...Can you get your act together and upgrade the existing connections please...