Monday, April 7, 2014

PEO TV to launch HD service via SLT FTTH/FTTB service

The launch of SLT's FTTH (Fiber-To-The-Home) / FTTB (Fiber-To-The-Building) service today will enable PEO TV to carry HD services.

The service will be available to areas where FTTH & FTTB will be made available, probably starting in major cities and gradually moving to the suburbs.

This is indeed great news for subscribers who are awaiting eagerly the launch of PEO TV HD. The date of launch for the service isn't confirmed as yet however with the launch of FTTH/FTTB it's likely that the service will be launched soon, initially with limited coverage.

Source: LBO - Sri Lanka Telecom launches extra fast broadband via FTTH


Chanaka Palliyaguru said...
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Chanaka Palliyaguru said...
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Chanaka Palliyaguru said...

This is great news. I was so dissapointed that, was about the discontinued Peo. Hope this will improve the non-HD channel quality as well.

AppTech said...

Peo TV y'all are doing very well, but i know a few channels that will bring up your market. I know may of my friends want the same and we have been discussing about it lately sooooo... here are the channels:Warner Bros. Channel, AXN, AND I REALLY REALLY WANT THESE CHANNELS 17 OF MY FRIENDS TOO WANT IT;FOX, ABC, CBS, AND IN FOX ,FOX MOVIES ETC... ESPECIALLY FOX PLEASE NO ONE ELSE HAS IT SO PLEASE IT WOULD BE A HUGE HIT AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REPLY TO ME ,DO NOT IGNORE ME ,ALSO IF YU CAN Sun TV please please please !!!!!!!!!!! And please reply if you choose to ignore me!!!11

Unknown said...

Has PeoTV got a new STB with HD? I heard they are bringing new features. Is that correct?

Shafraz Macksood said...

Seems like they are testing, under VOD menu, scroll down to HD VOD where you'll find few 720p and 1080p HD test videos with different encodings and bit rates.

Try to order (Rs 0.0) and play. If you lucky enough to experience HD services in the future it'll play without lagging.

These HD test videos were present in the menu since the day I bought PEO-TV in December 2011. I have the black color STB which is HD ready. I was trying to play them time to time but it can't be played (Only plays for 1-2 seconds, then get stucked. Only able to fast forward and rewind.)

But here comes the good news. I've been experiencing a sudden increase of internet download speed up to 12-13 MBps now since end of March in my Family package which is rated with 8 MBps. Yesterday I've tried to play HD test videos, they have added a new set of HD test videos to VOD menu, AND ITS PLAYING WITHOUT LAGGING!

All this happenings are from Colombo 3 Area. Also I can see a large sized white color steel SLT cabinet near 5th lane from Duplication road. The difference I see in the cabinet from other SLT road side cabinets are its new, large in size and you can see few cooling fans attached and working. Which I suspect this the fiber cable termination and coper cable starting point in FTTX (FTTC) standard.